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School Improvement Plan

What is a School Improvement Plan?

A School Improvement Plan (SIP) is a strategic blueprint that schools use to enhance student learning and improve educational practices. It outlines specific goals for improvement, actions to achieve those goals, and methods for measuring progress.

Key Points of a SIP:

  • Goals: Clear objectives the school aims to achieve to enhance student outcomes.
  • Actions: Steps and strategies the school will implement to reach its goals, based on research and effective practices.
  • Monitoring: Regular review of progress with adjustments made to ensure the school stays on track toward its improvement objectives.

The purpose of a SIP is to provide a clear roadmap for schools to improve educational outcomes for all students, particularly focusing on eliminating disparities and ensuring equitable opportunities for every student.

Every school in Washington State is required to have a School Improvement Plan.

Monitoring and Adjusting:

A SIP is not set in stone. It's reviewed regularly, with progress monitored against the set goals and activities adjusted as needed to stay on track toward improvement.

Visit the Issaquah School District SIP website to learn more about SIPs.

District - School Improvement Plans


Front of Maple Hills Elementary School

Achievement Goals

  1. By 2025, Maple Hills will increase the percentage of students at proficiency in ELA by 10% on the SBA as well as the spring i-Ready. We will measure this goal by having a 4% increase in proficiency in Year 1, 7% (cumulative) proficiency in Year 2, and 10% (cumulative) proficiency in year 3 (as measured in Homeroom).

    Specific targets are as follows:




    Baseline - 2021-22
    65% 74%
    Year 1 - 2022-23
    69% 78%
    Year 2 - 2023-24
    72% 81%
    Year 3 - 2024-25
    75% 84%

  2. By spring 2023, 70% of our students who start the year below proficiency on the i-Ready Reading Fall Assessment will be on track to meet or exceed their typical growth goal, with 50% of those students on track to meet or exceed their stretch goal (as measured by i-Ready).

Guiding Questions

Reflecting on previous action plans

Backed by Data

Schools use multiple data sources to inform their planning. Progress toward school improvement in overall achievement and disproportionality is monitored using state and district measures using a common School Improvement Data Dashboard.

Data Workbook for Elementary School

School-Based Action Plan

Action Implementation Impact: Evidence/Monitoring
Classroom teachers match SIP goals with teacher evaluation SGG data Classroom teachers will use the i-Ready ELA assessment data to set their own Student Growth Goals for their classroom and grade level, monitor the data, and identify needs throughout the year.
  • i-Ready ELA data for fall, winter, and spring

  • i-Ready usage minutes and percentage of lessons passed

  • Homeroom i-Ready data

MH Literacy Professional Development Literacy TOSA will lead staff through Needs Assessment and PD on integration of high-level literacy practices to determine which literacy practices staff want to focus on over the next 3 years. Support staff will also incorporate literacy strategies within their own subject (PE, music, etc.).
  • Staff feedback

  • SGG data

  • Principal observation

Eagle Reader Clubhouse

In conjunction with PTA, continue to focus on importance of reading and getting books into kids’ hands by encouraging reading minutes each month and giving out free books to students.

  • # of students participating in Eagle Reader (232 students)

  • # of minutes that students are reading each month

  • # of books donated to students

Leveled Literacy Intervention

In addition to our Really Great Reading program through LAP, continue to fund and provide LLI small groups to students struggling in comprehension.

  • # of students participating in LLI

  • i-Ready reading growth of LLI students

Orton Gillingham in LRC

LRC staff trained and implementing Orton Gillingham for students with an IEP in reading (phonics needs).

  • Weekly review of IEP progress

  • IEP progress reports

  • Formative assessments of OG progress

ASAP Grant from ISF

Applied and received Issaquah Schools Foundation grant for before/after school tutoring. One teacher specifically focusing on reading. Other grade levels incorporating practice with word problems, reading and writing info during math tutoring.

  • # of students participating in ASAP
  • Progress of students from pre-post test
  • i-Ready Reading and Math Assessment scores
Implementation of Technology

Focus on continuing to implement new technology connected to reading: Learning Ally, i-Ready lessons, Book Creator, tech liaison

  • i-Ready reading minutes usage

  • i-Ready reading lessons passed percentage

  • Learning Ally usage

  • Teacher survey

Volunteers/Voice Mentors

Utilize parent volunteers and voice mentors to read with students

  • Teacher survey

  • Tier 2 Intervention data

Family Engagement – We have been very intentional this year about gathering family/community input on our programs and goals. When reviewing the Building TITLE 1/LAP and School Improvement Plans with our Site Council they had some great ideas and feedback. Families liked the choice of reading for our SIP and thought the goals were well-written. Ideas were shared about what parents could do at home to contribute to these goals. We talked about optional homework, ideas and weekly tips that teachers could include for parents to help at home, reminders about accessing the tools in Clever, etc. These ideas will be brought to Leadership Team and Staff Meeting to brainstorm how to incorporate them into our year-long plan.

SIP Team & Final Review

  • Principal: JoEllen Tapper
  • Site Council/PTSA Review Date: January 9, 2023
  • Supervisor Review: Melinda Reynvaan
  • School Board Review Date: February 15, 2023

Leadership Team:  

  • Tracy Magee, Dean

  • Becky Fisher, Kindergarten

  • Michela Crawford, 1st Grade

  • Sarah Friend, 2nd Grade

  • Kelly Brunell, 3rd Grade

  • Jodi Tutor, 4th Grade

  • Betsy Sanford, 5th Grade

  • Amber Bryant, Counselor

  • Devon Deaton, LRC Teacher

  • Sue Myette, Tech TOSA
