Parking & Traffic Safety
Pick up and drop off is always a very busy time of day around our building. Please help us keep the staff and students safe by following our parking lot guidelines and modeling good citizenship. We know that traffic does get congested, but we find that if everyone follows the guidelines below, the traffic moves quickly.
- If you wish to drop off/pick up your student, enter the upper loop from 157th St. If your child needs assistance in/out of the car, please park in the lower lot and walk them up the center crosswalk onto MH campus. Please park in a legal parking spot or pick up/drop off your student in the right lane of the loop only. Please also be considerate of those trying to come in/out of parking spaces.
- Please drive through the school loop for drop off and pick up rather than parking on the side of the road. Parking on the side tends to block students as they are walking or crossing and often blocks our neighbors' driveways. We know the loop is busy, but if everyone keeps moving, the traffic only lasts about 10 minutes.
- Please do not make any U-turns on the road.
- You may want to go past the MH fire station and down 206th Ave SE to come around to the school entrance on SE 157th St to reduce traffic on 204th Ave SE.
- Please be sure to watch carefully for all students and staff crossing in the crosswalk on 204th Ave SE, as well as within our parking lot.
- Be sure to move all the way up in the drop off loop in order to keep traffic moving.
- Once your child has exited or entered your car, please carefully move into the left lane and exit to keep traffic moving.
Please note the side parking lot next to the gym is reserved as accessible parking spaces and for busses only. If the parking lot is full, some parents may choose to park up at the pool or along 204th Ave. SE. Please avoid parking in front of the school on 157th St. and in crosswalks for safety reasons.